MR Forms Submission Online

Efficiently upload company details in bulk

Hassle-free mortage filing solution

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One platform for bulk submissions

We recognise that submitting multiple MR forms against a company to Companies House can be tedious and time consuming. That’s why we’ve developed an online feature that allows you to efficiently upload company details in bulk, enabling you to lodge MR01, MR02, MR04, and MR05 forms for multiple companies simultaneously. Upon submission, your form will be promptly registered with Companies House, and the resulting certificate will be swiftly delivered electronically.  The document, along with its corresponding certificate, is securely archived within Search Acumen for a period of five years and if you are utilising an integrated case management system, it will seamlessly return the document into your case without any manual intervention.


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Search Acumen offers a unique feature allowing you to efficiently bulk upload company details and lodge multiple MR01, MR02, MR04, or MR05 forms for distinct companies simultaneously, all with the same level of security. This has many benefits:

  • Save time with pre-filled data from your Search Acumen matter.
  • Utilise free-format text fields to describe land, ships, aircraft, or intellectual property.
  • Easily save or print your draft and make edits before final submission.
  • Seamlessly upload all MR forms for separate companies at once.

Your access to high quality data sources:

Take a look at our other corporate services products we also have available within out platform

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