To Tender Or Not To Tender?

Is it even a question?

Sustaining Business Competitiveness

Why Regular Supplier Reviews Are Vital

At the heart of every successful business lies the crucial task of attracting and retaining new clients, a fundamental aspect of maintaining competitiveness in the market. While considerable time and attention are often dedicated to aspects such as business perception, pricing strategies, and operational decisions, it’s essential to extend a similarly thoughtful focus to your third-party suppliers.

These suppliers represent a valuable resource for which you incur costs and upon which you depend, seamlessly integrating them into your operational framework. It’s imperative not to underestimate the significance of ensuring that your partners not only maintain competitiveness within their respective circles but also actively support and align with your company’s strategies and objectives. This alignment is key to gaining a competitive edge in both retaining existing business and acquiring new clients.

How can you guarantee this alignment? It’s a straightforward process—regularly schedule comprehensive reviews and engage in a tendering process. The market is dynamic, and supplier offerings continually evolve. Therefore, it’s crucial to consistently evaluate and choose the best-fit suppliers for your business, ensuring that you are always positioned to thrive in the ever-changing business landscape.

Discovering what you lack only happens when you actively seek it out. At the very least, ensure that you’re getting the most value for your money and that there aren’t superior or innovative tools in the market that your competitors are leveraging. Stay well-informed to stay a step ahead in terms of competitiveness.

Choosing A New Tech Partner For Your Firm Is Akin To Playing Chess...

Where strategic moves, foresight, and a deep understanding of your opponent’s (or in this case, your potential partner’s) capabilities are crucial for success.

In the game of tech partnerships, as in chess, success comes not just from making the right moves but from understanding the strategic landscape and playing to your strengths while mitigating risks.

  • Opening Moves: In chess, the opening moves set the tone for the entire game. Similarly, in selecting a tech partner, the initial stages involve understanding your own organisation’s needs and outlining the strategic goals you aim to achieve through technology.
  • Understanding the Board (Business Landscape): Just as a chess player surveys the chessboard to understand the terrain, businesses must assess the tech landscape; understanding current industry trends, potential risks, and the competitive landscape to make informed decisions.
  • Evaluating Your Pieces (Current Tech Infrastructure): Before making any moves, you need to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your current setup to determine how a new tech partner can complement or enhance your capabilities.
  • Strategic Thinking (Long-Term Planning): Chess requires thinking multiple moves ahead. Similarly, selecting a tech partner involves considering not only immediate needs but also how their solutions align with your long-term business strategy. Look for a partner whose capabilities can grow and adapt as your business evolves.
  • Assessing the Opponent (Due Diligence):  In chess, players analyse their opponent’s playing style and strengths. Similarly, businesses conduct thorough due diligence on potential tech partners, examining their track record, reputation, and the fit of their solutions with your unique requirements.
  • Risk Management (Defensive Moves): Businesses need to assess the risk mitigation strategies offered by tech partners. This includes cybersecurity measures, disaster recovery plans, and scalability options.
  • Seizing Opportunities: Chess masters spot opportunities to gain an advantage. Similarly, a good tech partner should present innovative solutions that can give your business a competitive edge. This might include emerging technologies, streamlined processes, or unique features that set them apart.
  • The Endgame: The implementation and integration phase of a tech partnership requires careful execution to ensure a smooth transition and successful integration of new technologies into your business processes.
  • Adaptability (Flexibility in Strategy): A tech partner should demonstrate adaptability and flexibility, willing to adjust their approach based on your evolving business needs.
  • Victory through Collaboration: A successful tech partnership is one where both parties collaborate effectively, aligning their strategies and working together toward mutual success.

Example for reference

Stages of A Tendering Process

The tendering process aims to ensure fair competition, transparency, and selection of the most suitable supplier to meet business needs.

Need Identification

Identifying a need for a service that cannot be met internally, or a service currently out-resourced that you would like to enter a retendering process for.

Specification Development

Define the requirements and criteria for the outsourced service

Invitation to Tender (ITT)

Issue a formal invitation to potential suppliers to submit their bids/tender

Supplier Bidding

Suppliers submit their bids/proposals in response to ITT and also present if deemed appropriate.

Bid Evaluation

Review and assess the submitted bids/proposals based on predefined criteria

Supplier Selection

Choose a supplier that best meets the requirements and criteria

Contract Award

Award contract to chosen supplier, formalise terms and agreement

Schedule Reviews

Schedule & diarise account reviews

Ready To Tender?


We would love to showcase our capabilities, tools and services to you.  If you are ready to start your tendering process or would just like to let us know a date as to when it may be, please complete the below and we will be in touch at an appropriate time that suits you.

Tendering From The Standpoint Of A Prospective Supplier

One Last Thought...

Being invited to tender provides a platform to showcase capabilities, tools, and services. This creates a fair and transparent environment that eliminates sales gimmicks and convoluted jargon, enabling potential clients to make meaningful comparisons.

Even if you currently hold the status of the preferred partner, welcoming an opportunity to retender is crucial. It allows the existing partner to reaffirm their position as the most suitable choice for your business. If they hesitate to embrace this chance, it raises questions that warrant consideration. Perhaps going through the tender process is even more critical than initially perceived.


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